Conference Programme 2024

The Marine and Spill Plastic Pollution Conference aims to be seen as the world’s most innovative oceanographic institution. It tries to make sense of our changing seas upon which future human prosperity and wellbeing depends. It is an inspiring centre.

Hosted by UK and Ireland Spill Association Marine and Manufacturers Working Group

Session 1

Welcome and Introduction (Mark Orr)

Session 2

Opening Keynote (Dr Vania De Stefani)

Session 3

Visual Tools for Spill Response (Dr Lauren Biermann)

Session 4

Complex Data to Stakeholders (Liam Harrington-Missin)

Session 5

Alternative Fuel Timetable (Mark Orr)

Session 6

Fuel Options and Properties (Andrew Le Masurier and Kevin Tallec)

Session 7

Alternative Fuels Panel (Erin Walton)

Session 8

Alternative Fuels Panel (Eric Comerma)

Session 9

Alternative Fuels Panel (Lisa McAuliffe)

Session 10

Alternative Fuels Panel (William Barker)

Session 11

Alternative Fuels Panel (Benjamin Craig)

Session 12

Alternative Fuels Panel Discussion

Hosted by UK and Ireland Spill Association Marine and Manufacturers Working Group

Session 1

Welcome and Review of Day 1 (Mark Orr)

Session 2

Reach and Routes of Plastic (Josh Doran)

Session 3

Policy on Plastics (Falco Martin)

Session 4

POPs in Nurdles (Dr Jon Burton and Paul Walker)

Session 5

SCAT for plastics (Marta Januszewska)

Session 6

NGOs and Citizen science in Plastics (Heather McFarlane)

Session 7

Plastics Endpoint Discussion (Amy Jewell and Mark Orr)

Session 8

Plastics (Professor Richard Banati)

Session 9

Enzymes and plastic waste disposal (Haydon Ross and Brooke Wain)

Session 10

PPWG Group Goals (Mark J Orr)

2024 Sponsors