Day 2, Session 4 – POPs in Nurdles (Dr Jon Burton and Paul Walker)

Dr Jon Burton

Jon is the Managing Director of Oracle Environmental Experts and has over 25 years’ experience in the environmental industry and has extensive experience in spill response and the investigation and remediation of historically contaminated land.  

He’s a Board Director with the International Spill Accreditation Scheme which provides independent accreditation of the knowledge, experience and capabilities of spill response firms operating from the UK and Ireland and is a former chairman of the UK and Ireland Spill Association. Jon provides regular technical updates to accredited members, assists with the setting of standards for the accreditation scheme, and with the compilation and review of best practice guidance.

Oracle Environmental are founding and active members of the Plastic Pollution Working Group and have authored several reports published through the PPWG and presented several webinars on their research. They have also completed work for Fidra on the ‘Mapping of the global plastic pellet supply chain’, with the report and supporting information packs freely available to download through the Fidra website.

Jon has a keen interest in dealing with the impact of plastic on our environment and health and has been working with Paul on this project for the last 6 months and today’s talk is the first publication of the findings form their research

Dr Jon Burton
Kevin Tallec

Paul Walker

Paul Walker (BSc, MRSC) gained his Chemistry degree from Grey College, Durham University, and has worked for SOCOTEC UK for 26 years. As Senior Technical and Development Specialist in the Environmental Science sector at SOCOTEC UK, Paul is responsible for developing analytical methods, both for improving current methodologies and implementing new emerging work areas.

Paul is an expert in the field of environmental forensics and is currently involved in the examination of samples for microplastics. Paul is a committee member of the British Standards Institution and a national expert to ISO and CEN.

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