Marine Spill and Plastic Pollution Conference

11th and 12th June 2024

The Conference is focussed on discussing two current dilemmas

Polluting Fuels

The increasing adoption of less polluting fuels is encouraged by the International Maritime Organisations’ drive to decarbonise shipping by 2050. A consequence of this is that responders are dealing with pollution from spills involving existing hydrocarbon products such as Marine Diesel and LNG.At the same time they are expected to prepare to attend fuels involving emerging propulsion fuels such as methanol, ammonia and hydrogen often with LNG/LPG and possibly Li-Ion batteries also involved as alternate means of propulsion.​


Concurrently the proliferation of plastic already existing in the marine environment is being added to by increasing plastic nurdle spills which are often into fragile coastal marine environments. These disrupt already delicate marine ecosystems, affects coastal fishing activity, have a long lasting pollution effect and persist in the environment for centuries. The imperative to recover lost nurdles quickly with minimal harm to the existing coastal environment is clear. However little guidance and best practice exists.

Our Plastic Pollution Working Group has been developing this over the last 24 months using member experience gained from attending spills in UK waters and overseas. The goal has and remains to provide best practice guidance for ALL who respond to or have a responsibility for contingency planning to ensure environmental protection.​

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